Mycitycorona.com now offers daily deals that will serve the Corona, Norco, Eastale and greater Inland Empire region.
These deals will save local business in excess of 1000% guaranteed!
Similar to Groupon, Screaming Deals, Local Deals and others Mycitycorona.com now offers deals for up to (7) days! But unlike Groupon, Screaming Deals, Local Deals and others Mycitycorona.com will only charge a one-time fee* versus a percentage of all sales. Mycitycorona.com will only get paid if your sales meet a threshold guaranteeing more money in your pocket!
First and most importantly, there are no out of pocket costs to you the business!
Mycitycorona.com will build the promotion, take the risk and market the daily deal on your behalf. A minimum number of customers are necessary to trigger our one-time fee*. Our Daily Deal will put the business in front of thousands of subscribers in the Corona, Norco, Eastale and greater Inland Empire region.
Each day Mycitycorona.com will offer an unbeatable deal from a favorite local business. Our visitors will click on the link, purchase one or more daily deals and the business will be notified of the sales! Mycitycorona.com will track all sales and share them online to drive interest. Once the daily deal has ended, Mycitycorona.com will recap all sales, issue the business a payment (with all corresponding customer information) and debit our one-time fee*.
Mycitycorona.com will market the business, provide sales leads and hopefully that translate into future return customers! These customers will in turn share this daily deal with everyone they know via Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. One person will tell another who will tell another translating into sales for months to come!
Their Deals
XYZ Carpet sells a $25 carpet deal for (3) days through ABC Deal Co.
XYZ Carpet sells 240 ‘Deals’ @ $25 each for a gross total of $6000
ABC Deal Co. takes 50% of every sale (yes, 50%)…netting $3000 of XYZ Carpet’s sales…OUCH!
Mycitycorona.com Deals
XYZ Carpet sells a $25 carpet deal for (3) days through Mycitycorona.com
XYZ Carpet sells 240 ‘Deals’ @ $25 each for a gross total of $6000
Mycitycorona.com only charges a one-time fee*…a +1000% saving to the local area business!
Pricing, Get Started
Contact info@mycitycorona.com
About Mycitycorona.com
Established in 2005, Mycitycorona.com was imagined, developed and built from the remnants of a weblog. Surprised by the lack of quality information about the region on the internet, Mycitycorona.com was moved to compile what Mycitycorona.com considers one of the ‘best resources of information in the region’!
Mycitycorona.com offers affordable advertising packages, daily deals, Business Directory listings and more that fit nearly every budget. Visit www.Mycitycorona.com.
* Fee assessed on the number of day(s) the deal is offered