Taken from a blog: News Flash In Murrieta Ca.: Stay Off The Grass!!!!

Recently the city council in Murrieta Ca. passed an ordinance that requires the owners of Real Estate Owned (REO) properties to clean the lawns on their properties and keep them mowed and watered as many neighborhoods were deteriorating in their appearance due to the high number of foreclosures and nobody likes a dead lawn especially the neighbors.

The ordinance was passed because of complaints flooding in to the city office from residents complaining about the banks that own these properties, and the Realtors that are selling them, not caring about the appearance of the homes and it is lowering the property values of the whole city. Fair complaint in my opinion and as an agent that represents some of the Institutions involved I passed the information on to the Asset Managers I work with and received positive results.

The Home Pictured received a new sod lawn and you would think most of the neighbors would be glad, I'm sure some are, but it has created a new problem as some of the parents in the neighborhood are allowing their children to play on this brand new lawn as we are trying to allow it to take root. Where is the cooperation between the City, Banks, Neighbors and the Agents when one party complains and gets their request then tells the other to kick rocks when asked to do their part to improve the situation?

This Home has received new interior paint and carpet plus the pool has been repaired to the tune of $4500 dollars in addition to the new front lawn all paid for by the bank and it just went into escrow with a family who cannot wait to move to their new home. Congratulations to the buyers, the bank, the agents involved, the neighbors that do care, and to the neighbors who don't care I can only say Stay Off The Grass!!!!!!!

Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't.

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