California Mayor Elected National League of Cities 2nd Vice President

The National League of Cities (NLC) elected Riverside Mayor Ron Loveridge 2nd Vice President. The election was held Saturday, Nov. 17, at the culmination of the NLC annual conference in New Orleans, La. Loveridge will become NLC president in 2010.

San Diego Council Member Jim Madaffer, president of the League of California Cities, commented on the contribution Ron will make nationally. "Ron Loveridge is widely acknowledged as one of California's most important mayors. He has occupied virtually every leadership position open to a city official and is one of the state's top air quality policy experts. The NLC could not have chosen a more qualified individual for its 2nd Vice President," Madaffer said.

During the campaign, Loveridge pledged to focus on raising the profile of cities' agenda at the national level, building coalitions to promote local control, advocating for resources and establishing a strong grassroots program across the country.

"I am honored by the NLC's selection," Loveridge said. "Cities are at the forefront of addressing our nation's most pressing issues, including climate change and infrastructure. The NLC has a tremendous capability to provide national policy leadership in these areas."

Loveridge has devoted his professional and personal life to politics. A professor of political science at UC Riverside since 1965, he was elected to the Riverside city council 28 years ago, serving as council member for 14 years before being elected mayor in 1994. Long active in the League of California Cities, he was president in 2004, when the League successfully passed Proposition 1A, the landmark Constitutional amendment that protects local government revenue from the state.

League of California Cities Executive Director Chris McKenzie stressed the significance of having a California elected official serving as an NLC officer. "California cities have a stronger voice at the national level with Ron's election," McKenzie added. "His qualifications are substantial -- superb policy skills, an inclusive management style and a strong commitment to the diversity of our nation's cities. I know he is the right person as NLC sets its agenda to address national problems."

"I plan to take the NLC story across the country," Loveridge said. "We are reaching out to every city in every state and in our nation's capital to bring a solid understanding of the role cities play in Americans' lives."

Under NLC bylaws, Loveridge will serve as Second Vice President in 2008 and will succeed to First Vice President in 2008-2009 and President in 2009-2010. The NLC is an association of the nation's cities and state municipal leagues. Representing more than 19,000 cities, towns and villages, NLC was founded in 1924.

Contact:Eva Spiegel (916) 658-8228

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